AML Supplies CTD for Class Afloat Program
Earlier this year we loaned an AML-3 CTD to Class Afloat - a registered independent high school dedicated to academic excellence and personal development. AML is proud to be a part of this initiative, allowing students to gain immediate experience with oceanographic research initiatives. The AML-3 CTD provided detailed seawater column profiles by measuring data at over 200 intervals, lowered to depths nearing 200 meters.

Below you can see Class Afloat Open Acadia students Paige Johnson and Linnea Laurell O’Brien, with the support of crew members Bjoern Elsaesser and Jannik Elsaesser. The team has just successfully launched a CTD monitor from the bow of the Alexander von Humboldt II while sailing off the coast of Northern Africa.
We spoke to Megan MacLeod from Class Afloat:
“Through this collaborative effort between Class Afloat, AML Oceanographic, and Acadia University, students in the Marine Biology 2663 and Oceans 11 classes have gained hands-on experience analyzing marine data to deepen their understanding of oceanographic processes. These partnerships exemplify how innovation and teamwork can transform experiential learning on the high seas. We thank AML Oceanographic for their generous donation of this state-of-the-art instrument!”